Motor oil change sticker 20 pieces


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Motor oil change sticker

Informative Motor oil change-interval sticker

Number of pieces in package: 20

Sticker dimensions: 90mm x 50mm

Self-adhesive paper sticker

For information on how to make sticker waterproof and long-term durable please read the instructions below.

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164 Items

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5,00 €

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Instructions for use:

To make the sticker waterproof and long-term durable it must be covered by protective tape. Protective tape for the service sticker is available to buy here.

Please follow the steps below on how to cover the sticker with protective tape. It is important to follow the procedure. Protective tape protects the surface and information written on the service sticker by pen.

Place the service sticker only to metal parts of the car. For example, in engine space, hood or to lower door pillar. You can find examples of placement of the stickers below. 


Service sticker properties:

Service sticker covered by protective tape and placed to metal parts of car has these properties:

- Operating temperature -40°C to +80°C:

     - Comply with standard IEC 60068-2-1: Cold -40°C/16h

     - Comply with standard IEC 60068-2-2: Dry heat +80°C/16h

- Resistant to humidity and water

- Resistant to mechanical damage

Service sticker covered with protective tape and placed to the metal surface is suitable for long-term intervals.


Instructions how to cover stickers by protective tape:

1.Write information on a sticker with a pen.

2. Place the sticker on any paper. Stick the end of the protective tape to the edge of a table. Unwind 20 cm of tape.

3. Use any card from your wallet and press firmly on the tape at the beginning of the service sticker.

4. Swipe the tape with the card. Start from the beginning of the label and continue to the end in one stroke. It is necessary to use the card. Otherwise, air bubbles can appear.

5. Cut the excessive protective tape with scissors.

6. Stick the sticker on a car.


Examples of application:

(2461x1640) Obrázek ukázka na vozu.jpg


Removing the sticker from the metal parts of car:

Remove protective tape first. 

Dampen the sticker with hot water, let it soak for a while, later the paper part can be easily removed. 

The last part of the sticker is glue. Use a brake cleaner to remove any remaining glue residue.

You can also place a new sticker on the previous sticker. Then you do not have to remove the old one.